Balestra, Antonio (1666-1740)

Creator details

Balestra, Antonio (1666-1740)

Assets (19 in total)

Thetis dipping the Infant Achilles into Water from the Styx (oil on canvas)
St. Gregory the Great having Dinner with Christ Pilgrim, by Antonio Balestra, 1729-1731, 18th Century, oil on canvas
Prophet Isaiah, by Antonio Balestra (1666-1740), 1707 (oil on canvas)
Juno and the Peacock (oil on canvas)
St. Gregory the Great showing the bloody corporal (San Gregorio Magno mostra il corporale insanguinato), by Antonio Balestra, 17th - 18th Century, canvas
Mary and the Dead Christ, by Antonio Balestra, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 264.5 ? 133 cm
Two Warriors (engraving)
Saints Cosmas and Damian saved by angels, 1717-1718 (oil on canvas)
St. Gregory the Great having Dinner with Christ Pilgrim, by Antonio Balestra, 1729-1731, 18th Century, oil on canvas
Mary and the Dead Christ, by Antonio Balestra, 1724, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 264,5 ? 133 cm
Saint Gregory showing the corporal stained with blood (see also 3498745)
St. Gregory the Great showing the bloody corporal (San Gregorio Magno mostra il corporale insanguinato), 18th Century

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