Winge, Marten Eskil (1825-96)

Creator details

Winge, Marten Eskil (1825-96)

Assets (7 in total)

Thor's Fight with the Giants, 1872 (oil on canvas)
Loki And Sigyn - Loki And Sigyn, 1863 (oil on canvas)
After the Battle of Fyrisvall, c.1890 (oil on canvas)
Kraka (Aslaug, Aslog), 1862 (oil on canvas)
Thor and the Giants, 1920's (litho)
After the battle of Fyrisvelir (Fyrisvall) (984-985) - After the Battle of Fyrisvellir, 1880s (oil on canvas)
Krake, 1920's (litho)

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