Abel, Catherine (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Abel, Catherine
“Art history is a profound teacher. To achieve mastery one only has to tap into the Greats who have gone before us and surrender to their counsel. Their creative spirits still exist.” Australian artist, Catherine Abel is renowned internationally for her striking figurative and still life paintings. Combining the stylised geometry of the Art Deco period with the clarity of the Italian Renaissance Masters, her works are powerfully seductive compositions of beauty, strength and grace. Self-taught, Abel began painting professionally after moving to Paris in 2000. Influenced greatly by European art and history, she immersed herself in her painting, rapidly building her reputation as a fine art painter. On returning to Australia, Catherine has continued to exhibit and sell both locally and internationally. She has been a finalist in the Archibald Art Prize and Portia Geach Art Award and her works are featured in private collections worldwide.

Assets (70 in total)

Cubist Lilies, 2002 (oil on canvas)
Autumn Zephyr, 2001 (oil on canvas)
Foliage II, 2005 (oil on canvas)
Berlin 1924, 2002 (oil on canvas)
Adam & Eve, Gangster Study, 2002 (oil on canvas)
Woman with Cello, 2001 (oil on canvas)
Foliage III, 2005 (oil on canvas)
Gare de l'Est, 2007 ( oil on linen)
Composition Looking East, 2004 (oil on canvas)
Foliage I, 2003 (oil on canvas)
Maiden Voyage, 2003 (oil on canvas)
Homage to Man Ray, 2003 (oil on canvas)

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