Adams, Robert (1917-1984)

Creator details

Adams, Robert (1917-1984)

Assets (28 in total)

Sentinel One, Opus 390, 1979 (bronze)
Screen Form (steel)
Rising Movement I, 1962 (bronze) (see also 440322)
Spiral and Curve, Opus 46, 1957 (bronzed steel) (see also 349134)
Slim Bronze/Hatchet Form,  (bronze with gold patina, slate base)
Divergence,  (bronze with a polished patina)
Mother and Child, 1948 (wood)
Fissure, 1973 (bronze with brown/grey patina)
Bather with Ball (Opus 57), 1948 (reinforced plaster, copper plated)
Bather with Ball (Opus 57), 1948 (reinforced plaster, copper plated)
Two Curves (Maquette) (Opus 333), 1960 (bronzed steel)
Bather with Ball (Opus 57), 1948 (reinforced plaster, copper plated)

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